IDEC@EUDEC 2016 konferenssin puhujat
Speakers at IDEC@EUDEC 2016
Los ponentes en IDEC@EUDEC 2016
Talare vid IDEC@EUDEC 2016 konferensen
In den seltenen Fällen können die bestehenden Potenzpräparate manchen Betroffenen nicht helfen, die häufige erektile Dysfunktionen erleben, nur wenn einer dieser Stoffe enthalten ist, die auch mit dem Kürzel PDE 5 beschrieben werden kann. Dieses medikament entspannt die flachen muskeln der arterie. Urologen und Andrologen sind davon überzeugt, wenn ein nächster Fall eintritt, führen wir verschiedene Test durch, daß man sich sein tägliches Vergnügen gönnen kann. Zu einem Arzt zu Potenzmittel-Potenzpillen gehen und mit ihm über Erektionsstörungen zu sprechen. Und alles was damit zu tun hat, die meisten Männer haben es an sich, wenn Sie in Deutschland leben, mit dem gesundheitlichen Problem der erektilen Dysfunktion zu einem Arzt zu gehen.
Puhujat / Keynotes / Ponentes
![[:fi]Yaacov Hecht [:en]Yaacov Hecht [:sv]Yaacov Hecht [:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Yaacov_Hect-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Yaacov Hecht [:en]Yaacov Hecht [:sv]Yaacov Hecht [:]
Read moreStarted the first democratic school in Israel and IDEC conferences 24 years ago. Designing Education Cities.
![[:fi]Sugata Mitra[:en]Sugata Mitra[:sv]Sugata Mitra[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/sugata.jpg)
[:fi]Sugata Mitra[:en]Sugata Mitra[:sv]Sugata Mitra[:]
Read moreResearcher, TED prize winner and founder of School in the Cloud.
![[:fi]Justo Mendez & Ana Yris[:en]Justo Mendez & Ana Yris[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Justo-Ana-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Justo Mendez & Ana Yris[:en]Justo Mendez & Ana Yris[:]
Read moreFounders and directors of Nuestra Escuela, Puerto Rico and solid defenders of public education.
![[:fi]Tae Wook Ha[:en]Tae Wook Ha[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/여성중앙2-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Tae Wook Ha[:en]Tae Wook Ha[:]
Read moreAssistant Professor at the Department of Alternatives in Education, Asian Life University and organizer of IDEC 2014 in South-Korea.
![[:fi]Zoё Readhead[:en]Zoё Readhead[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Zoe2-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Zoё Readhead[:en]Zoё Readhead[:]
Read morePrincipal of Summerhill School, the world's first Democratic School.
![[:fi]Henry Readhead[:en]Henry Readhead[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Henry-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Henry Readhead[:en]Henry Readhead[:]
Read moreAlumni and Staff at the Summerhill School, UK, the world's first Childrens' Democracy.
![[:fi]Brother John Kennedy Omondi Oronjo[:en]Brother John Kennedy Omondi Oronjo[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Brother-John-Kennedy-Omondi-Oronjo-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Brother John Kennedy Omondi Oronjo[:en]Brother John Kennedy Omondi Oronjo[:]
Read moreAdministrator and founder of the St Charles Lwanga Children's Centre and Secondary School. Candidate for hosting IDEC 2019 in Kenya.
![[:fi]Jerry Mintz[:en]Jerry Mintz[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Jerry-Head-Shot-262x272.jpeg)
[:fi]Jerry Mintz[:en]Jerry Mintz[:]
Read moreFounder and Director of AERO - Alternative Eudcation Resource Organization, author of No Homework and Recess All Day.
![[:fi]Chloe Duff[:en]Chloe Duff[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Chloe.jpg)
[:fi]Chloe Duff[:en]Chloe Duff[:]
Read moreCoordinator of EUDEC - European Democratic Education Community and alumni of Sands School a democratic school in the UK.
![[:fi]Mauri Laakso[:en]Mauri Laakso[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Mauri-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Mauri Laakso[:en]Mauri Laakso[:]
Read moreTeacher trainer, designer and educator of gamification and playful learning.
![[:fi]Kageki Asakura [:en]Kageki Asakura [:es]Kageki Asakura[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Kageki_2-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Kageki Asakura [:en]Kageki Asakura [:es]Kageki Asakura[:]
Read moreStaff of Tokyo Shure and Shure University. Organizer of IDEC 2000 in Japan.
![[:fi]Kirsti Lonka[:en]Kirsti Lonka[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/kirsti-lonka-262x272.png)
[:fi]Kirsti Lonka[:en]Kirsti Lonka[:]
Read moreProfessor of Educational Psychology at University of Helsinki. Principal Investigator of the Project “Mind the Gap – between digital natives and educational practices”
![[:fi]Derry Hannam[:en]Derry Hannam[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Derry-Hannam-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Derry Hannam[:en]Derry Hannam[:]
Read moreState school teacher, principal, school Inspector, advisor for the Council of Europe Education for Democratic Citizenship.
![[:fi]Gertjan Kleinpaste[:en]Gertjan Kleinpaste[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Gertjan_Kleinpaste-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Gertjan Kleinpaste[:en]Gertjan Kleinpaste[:]
Read moreFounder of Steve Jobs Schools in The Netherlands, author of A Different View on Learning.
![[:fi]John Moravec[:en]John Moravec[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/KAVO141014-0207-2-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]John Moravec[:en]John Moravec[:]
Read moreEditor of the Knowmad Society project, a co-director of the Invisible Learning project and founder of Education Futures LLC.
![[:fi]Rachel Roberts[:en]Rachel Roberts[:]](https://idec2016.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAYUAAAAJDljYTJjZmQ3LTU4M2QtNDI3OC1iZmZiLWQxYjExYjg3N2NjZg-2-262x272.jpg)
[:fi]Rachel Roberts[:en]Rachel Roberts[:]
Read moreAlumni and teacher of a democratic school, Worked as Director of the Phoenix Education Trust, UK.