[:fi]Järjestämme ennakko- ja jälkiohjelmaa suunnattuna lähinnä ulkomailta tuleville osallistujille. Voit ilmoittaa kiinnostuksestasi rekisteröitymisen yhteydessä.
Ilmoittaudu mukaan tästä
Ilmoittautuminen turistiviikolle päättyy viimeistään 30.4.2016
Kouluvierailuviikko 30.5 – 5.6.2016
hinta 390 € (sis. majoitus + kouluvierailut + iltaohjelma)
Viikon aikana järjestämme jokaiselle arkipäivälle maanantai – perjantai yhden kouluvierailun. Vierailun jälkeen kokoonnutaan yhteen ja keskustellaan vierailuista. Iltaohjelman tarjoaa Happy Guide Helsinki.
Majoittuminen: Eurohostel, Helsinki, sisältyy hintaan.
Iltaohjelma sisältää:
- ma 30.5. – Kävelykierros Helsingillä
- ti 31.5. – Sauvakävelykierros Helsingin viheralueilla
- ke 1.6. – Saunailta uimastadionilla
- to 2.6. – Kajakki-ilta Suomenlahdella
- pe 3.6. – Kierros kansallismuseossa
- la 4.6. (koko päivä) – Heureka-vierailu + Seurasaari
- su 5.6. Nuuksion kansallispuistokierros + Helsinkin kauhutarinoiden kävelykierros
Huom! Ruokailu ei sisälly hintaan.
Turistiviikko pääkaupunkiseudulla 11.-17.6.2016
hinta 290 € (sis. majoitus + ohjelma)
Viikon aikana tutustutaan pääkaupunkiseudun nähtävyyksiin. Ohjelman tarjoaa Happy Guide Helsinki.
Ohjelmaan sisältyy mm.
- la 11.6. – Helsingin nähtävyyksiä pyöräillen
- su 12.6. – Opastettu kävelykierros Helsingissä
- ma 13.6. – Tutustuminen suomalaiseen ruokakulttuuriin
- ti 14.6. – Design Walk
- ke 15.6. – Teemakävely: suomalaisia historian vaikuttajia ja monumentteja
- to 16.6. – Mölkkyä Uunisaaressa ja rantaretki Pihlajasaareen
- pe 17.6. – Ostospäivä
Majoittuminen: Eurohostel, Helsinki, sisältyy hintaan.
Huom! Ruokailu ei sisälly hintaan.
Tarkempi ohjelma englanninkielisellä sivulla[:en]
School visit week 30th May – 3rd June 2016
You can still register for the post-conference tourist week and the pre-conference Helsinki weekend. Register here (Payment information will be sent to registration email.)
If you want to register for the school visit week, please contact Marko Koskinen at marko@idec2016.org.
Price 390 € (inc. accommodation between Sunday 29th May – Sunday 5th June + school visits + evening program)
During the week we will have one school visit per day between Monday – Friday. After the school visits we will get together to discuss our visits and answer questions. The evening program is provided by Happy Guide Helsinki.
Accommodation at Eurohostel, Helsinki, included in the price.
The evening program
- Mon 30th May – At 4 pm Helsinki City Walk
- Being the first day for many visitors I would suggest that you would have here a walking tour of main attractions with good stories and anecdotes of Finnish culture and lifestyle in general.
- Tour Highlights:
- Cathedral of Helsinki and the Senate Square in front of it
- Central Railway Station
- Chapel of Silence in modern centre Kamppi
- City Hall
- Esplanadi boulevard
- Market Square
- Parliament buildings
- Temppeliaukio church in the rock
- University of Helsinki
- Uspenski Russian church
- Duration: 2,5 hours ( we visit inside / closer 2-3 attractions)
- Tue 31st May – At 6.30 pm Green evening stroll with Nordic walking sticks
- On this nice two hour stroll around the biggest green zone in the center of Helsinki, Kaivopuisto park, you can get familiar with the national frenzy of Finns: Nordic walking. More than a million Finns practice this light exercise to walk around with hiking sticks. On the way you will also hear about the culture and history of Finland and visit places the inhabitants of Helsinki find enjoyable like the Southern water front and Observatory Hill where you have a great view of the Baltic Sea.
- Duration: 2 hours
- Wed 1st Jun – At 5 pm City Sauna Tour
- Many say that sauna is the base of Finnish culture and society. We have more than 3 million of them for 5 million inhabitants. On this tour you would learn about different kinds of saunas and culture around them. We visit the Swimming Stadium big its big public saunas for bathing. The swimming Stadium also have full facilities for swimming with Olympic size pool and jumping towers. Saunas and dressing rooms are separated for women and men and you will have a guide from both genres to make the experience pleasant and full of knowledge!
- Duration: 2,5 hours
- Thu 2nd Jun – At 5 pm the Baltic Sea Experience by Kayaks
- In the waters of Helsinki we have more than 300 islands that make our archipelago interesting green maze and also sea waters calm even for beginners to try kayaking. The tour contains two hours of kayaking including the basic technical introduction. The kayaking takes place in Eastern Helsinki so we make our way there by public transport from the city center.
- Duration: 3,5 hours
- Fri 3rd Jun – At 4 pm visit to National Museum
- Guided tour at the museum
Those who are planning to join the EUDEC AGM, should go to Mikkeli Friday evening.
You can also register only for the weekend before the conference including accommodation for Friday and Saturday nights. Price for the weekend is 150 € including accommodation at Eurohostel and program.
Register here (Payment information will be sent to registration email.)
Registration ends 30th April 2016!
- Sat 4th Jun (full day) – Heureka Science Center + Seurasaari
- 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM visit to Heureka Science Center
- 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM To Helsinki Center -> Lunch -> Seurasaari by bus 24
- 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Seurasaari
- Sun 5th Jun – Nuuksio National Park + Helsinki Horror Walk
- 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Nuuksio National Park
- 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Lunch
- 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Helsinki Horror Walk
Meals are not included!
Tourist week at the capital area 11th – 17th June 2016
Register here (Payment information will be sent to registration email.)
Registration ends 30th April 2016!
Price 290 € (inc. accommodation between Saturday 11th – Friday 17th + program)
Reservation and payment information will be added soon.
During the week we will get to know tourist sights at the Helsinki capital area including design, history and food. Program provided by Happy Guide Helsinki.
Accommodation at Eurohostel, Helsinki, included in the price.
- Sat 10th Jun – At 5 PM Theme Walk: From Men with destiny to Monuments
- Finland will turn 2017 100 years old as independent nation. We have lived through the World Wars, economic crisis, different waves of domestic and foreign refugees and heydays of economy booms. The presidents of our nation have been in the heart of this and this entertaining two hour walk circling from their monuments and memorials tells many stories.
- Sun 12th Jun – Helsinki Day
- Annual festival in Helsinki with loads of program available.
- Mon 13th Jun – At 3 PM Finnish Food Walk
- Two hour walk to get a taste of Helsinki. We visit two market halls and local boutiques and café to try salmon, cheese, reindeer, salmiakki, chocolate, bread and health shots.
- Tue 14th Jun – At 3 PM Design Walk
- Design for us Finns is a lifestyle. On this two hour guided walk to the Design District Helsinki the participants can experience the history of Finnish design visiting such classics like Marimekko and Artek and also meet fresh faces of local design when we dive deeply into small boutiques and artist studios at the District.
- Wed 15th Jun – At 10 AM Helsinki Highlights by Bikes
- Easy-going guided bicycle ride to see the major attractions and also places and neighborhoods the Helsinki-dwellers find interesting.Highlights:
- Cathedral of Helsinki and the Senate Square in front of it
- Chapel of Silence in modern centre Kamppi
- Esplanadi boulevard
- Finlandia Hall
- Hakaniemi local market hall
- Market Square
- Music Center
- Olympic Stadium
- Parliament buildings
- Temppeliaukio church in the rock
- Töölö Bay nature zone
- University of Helsinki
- Uspenski Russian church
- Duration: 3,5 hours
- Thu 16th Jun – At 10 AM Mölkky and beach day in Pihlajasaari
- Mölkky is a relaxed Finnish outdoors game and Pihlajasaari beach is a nice way to get the taste of Finnish Summer.
- Fri 17th Jun – Day for shopping
- We will give you suggestions and ideas where to go and what is especially Finnish to buy.
Meals are not included!
Changes to program possible.[:]