Coordinator of EUDEC - European Democratic Education Community and alumni of Sands School a democratic school in the UK.
[:fi]Chloe Duff on EUDEC:n pääkoordinaattori (The European Democratic Education Community). EUDEC on voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio ja edistää demokraattisen koulutusmallin kehittämistä demokraattisissa valtioissa. Jäsenet ovat yksityishenkilöitä, kouluja ja järjestöjä ympäri Euroopan. Chloe Duff on itse käynyt demokraattista koulua ja opettanut sellaisessa.[:en]Ms Cloe Duff is the Coordinator of EUDEC (The European Democratic Education Community). EUDEC is a non-profit organisation that promotes democratic education as a sensible model for all democratic states. Its members are individuals, schools and institutions throughout Europe with decades of experience in democratic education. Prior to becoming the EUDEC Coordinator, Ms Duff was a student at a democratic school and have also worked as a staff member at a democratic school. [:]